땅고 · Tango/Buenos Aires 08

Esta Noche de Luna

헝얏 Hung-Yut 2008. 11. 17. 07:24

Last night Hwayi and I heard a live translation of the lyrics of Esta Noche de Luna (Carlos Di Sarli with Rufino, 1943, composed by José García and Graciano Gómez, lyrics by Héctor Marcó).  By "live translation", I mean our teacher Javier Rodriguez played the song verse by verse and translated it along the way.  It was a great translation because the translator not only told us the meaning of the words, but also conveyed to us the context and the poetry of the song.  He was moved and emotionally connected to the lyrics as he translated, and we were feeling the power of song in our body as well.  It was as close to experiencing a tango like an Argentinian as I ever have.


Here is our best recollection of the translation.  It is of course not like the "real thing", but here we go:





Acercate a mi
y oirás mi corazón

contento latir
como un brujo reloj.
La noche es azul,
convida a soñar,
ya el cielo ha encendido
su faro mejor.

Si un beso te doy,
pecado no ha de ser;
culpable es la noche
que incita a querer.
Me tienta el amor,
acércate ya,
que el credo de un sueño
nos revivirá.

Corre, corre barcarola,
por mi río de ilusión.
Que en el canto de las olas
surgirá mi confesión.

Soy una estrella en el mar
que hoy detiene su andar
para hundirse en tus ojos.
Y en el embrujo
de tus labios muy rojos,
por llegar a tu alma
mi destino daré.

Soy una estrella en el mar
que hoy se pierde al azar
sin amor ni fortuna.
Y en los abismos
de esta noche de luna,
sólo quiero vivir,
de rodilla a tus pies,
para amarte y morir.

Come close to me

and listen to my heart

happily beating

like a magic clock.

The night is blue

it inspires me to dream,

the sky is burning

in its best light.


If I kiss you,

it is not my fault;

the night is guilty

of inciting my desire for you.

Tempt me with the love 

Make you come close to me

in this instance of the dream

we are revived.


Hurry, hurry little boat,

along my river of illusion.

In the song of the waves

emerges my confession



I am a star in the sea

today I stop my travels

to sink deep into your eyes.

By the spell

of your very red lips,

to arrive at your soul

I bet my destiny.


I am a star in the sea

today I am lost in this disaster

without love or fortune.

And in the absymal

of this night of the moon,

I only want to live,

with my knees at your feet,

to love you and to die.

내게 가까이 와요

내 심장소리를 들어봐요.

마치 마법의 시계처럼

행복하게 뛰고 있죠.

이 밤의 푸르름이

나를 꿈꾸게 하네요.

하늘이 불타오르고

당신의 빛을 더 밝게 만들어요.


만약 내가 당신에게 키스한대도

그건 내 잘못이 아니예요.

나로 하여금 그런 열정을 품게 한

하늘의 잘못이죠.

나를 사랑에 빠지게 하고, 

당신을 내게 보내고,

꿈 같은 이 순간에

우리는 다시 태어나는거예요.


어서, 어서 작은 배여

내 환상의 강으로 들어와요.

파도가 만들어내는 노래가

나의 고백을 이끌어 내네요.


(아래는 그의 고백)

난 바다의 별 하나.

오늘 난 걸음을 멈추었어요.

당신의 눈속에 빠지기 위해서죠.

그리고 당신의 붉은 입술의

주문에 걸리고 말았죠.

당신의 영혼에 다다르기 위해

내 운명을 걸었어요.


난 바다의 별 하나.

오늘 사랑도 미래도 없이 

어디로 갈지 길을 잃었어요.

끝없이 깊은 이 나락에 빠져

달빛이 가득한 이 밤,

바라는 건 단 하나,

당신 발앞에 무릎을 꿇고

당신을 사랑하며 죽고 싶어요.


This morning I looked up who wrote the lyrics, and it was Héctor Marcó.  It turns out he had worked with Di Sarli extensively and he also wrote Porteno y Bailarin, Nido Gaucho, La Capilla Blanca, Con Alma y Vida, Rosamel, and many others.  I think this is a good starting point for us to go deeper into the poetry and poets of tango.


One important lesson I learned from this experience is the power of imgaination.  This "live translation" was so powerful because the translator was using his imagination.  He was painting a picture in his head as the song goes on, and from his description I could see what he saw in his mind.  It was so vivid and direct!


첨부파일 CarlosDiSarli-4-EstaNocheDeLuna.mp3

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