땅고 · Tango/생각 · Thoughts

Surprising Tango Phenomenon in Korea

헝얏 Hung-Yut 2008. 2. 2. 14:15

The other night after the milonga I ate 낙지 떡볶기 with some people. Someone asked me about the difference between Tango in the US and Tango in Korea.  So I gave him some answer but afterwards I realized there is one difference that I did not mention: in Korea, there are usually more men than women in Tango classes whereas in the US the opposite is true.  Back in June, I took a class with Julio & Corina in Daejeon. I remember they were also mildly surprised by the fact that there were more men than women in their classes.


So why do we have this phenomenon in Korea?  I have asked around a little bit and one of the answers I got really surprised me.  There is this belief that once a woman has taken a few months of beginners lessons, no more classes or practice are necessary.  They can just go to the milonga and enjoy dancing.  In the dance, they should relax and do nothing and let the man lead everything.  Because the man is going to lead everything, what else is there for the woman to learn?


To me, there are so many things a woman can learn!  How to embrace the man so he feels comfortable and connected, how to walk properly so the two people can move well together, how to listen to the music so she understands the musicality of all the men she dances with, how to be beautiful and elegant, how to make the man feel he needs to protect her and take care of her, how to get a man to ask you to dance, ...


Generally (but not always) women enjoy dancing with men who have danced for longer and have studied and practiced more.  The opposite is also true - men enjoy dancing with women who have danced for longer and have studied and practiced more.  This is actually true for many things in life, the more you study and practice, the better you are at it: cooking, playing starcraft, speaking Korean, driving in Korea, .... and the better you are at doing something, the more enjoyable these things become - and I surely hope I will enjoy doing all these things better soon ^^.


- 2007.11.01