땅고 · Tango/생각 · Thoughts

10 Rules of My Milonga

헝얏 Hung-Yut 2008. 10. 3. 06:28

If I have the money to open a nice tango bar in Seoul right now, these will be the 10 rules of my milonga:


1. Anyone who dances in t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers pays double entrance fee.


2. Anyone who invites somebody to dance during a cortina gets turned down automatically.


3. Anyone who invites somebody to dance verbally and got turned down cannot make another invitation for 3 tandas.


4. Leaders: while dancing you have to follow the same couple from the beginning to the end of a song.  If you fail to do so you have to leave the dance floor immediately even if it is in the middle of a tanda.  You are exempted from this rule only when you allow a new couple to enter the dance floor in front of you.  In that case you must follow that new couple until the end of the song.


5. If your partner talks to you during a dance, you have to stop dancing with him or her after the song even if it is in the middle of a tanda.  And you cannot dance with him or her again for the rest of the evening.


6. If at any time during a tanda, your partner solicits criticism or suggestions for his or her dancing, you have to politely decline.


7. If at any time during a tanda, your parnter criticizes your dancing in any way or gives you any suggestions about how to dance, you have to stop dancing with him or her immediately and leave the dance floor.  Exceptions only for dance partners, no exceptions for friends or teachers.


8. You are entitled to stop dancing with your partner at any time if you believe your partner did not use deodorant.


9. Any person who walks close to the dance floor and bumps into a dancing couple has to sit down and remain sitted for 1 hour, even if he or she was trying to go to the bathroom. Any non-dancing person who walks across the dance floor during a tanda has to do the same.


10. Anyone who asks the DJ any information about the music being played (title of a song, name of an orchestra, ... etc.) automatically receives a piece of chocolate.  If this happens 3 times the DJ automatically receives a glass of wine.